Friday, February 7, 2014

VBS 2014: Something to Get Excited About!

So this year's VBS may just be one of the best themes and content I have seen in a long time, if ever! I'm excited that we are diving headfirst into the world of Agency D3 this summer because our children will have an incredible opportunity to Discover, Decide, and Defend the person of Jesus Christ. There are three main reasons why I can't wait for July 13th of this year...

1. The Content is ALL about Jesus - this year's content begins and ends with who Jesus is, why he came, and that he died and rose for all people. Kids will be asked tough questions like, "Did Jesus Really Die?" and "Did Jesus Really Raise from the Dead?" Kids who have never made a decision for Christ will have explored the answers for themselves, and it will be up to them to decide if Jesus really is who the Bible says he is. 

2. The Theme is Awesome!! - Who doesn't enjoy being a detective or a secret agent? We see the shows all over TV and I believe it's simply in our nature to want to discover and look for evidence and clues about things. (I clearly remember playing with my dad's old briefcases...I'd keep "secret" files and cap guns and the sort in them as if I was an agent). We all need to get out our magnifying glasses, fingerprint dust, and laser pointers so we can uncover the truth about Jesus! 

3. The Music and Worship Rally Content - this year's music is gospel-driven and lifts high the name of Jesus, and the videos that go along with each day will captivate kids' minds and immerse them into the theme. There's something special about seeing all those kids singing and screaming during the worship rally!

We need a lot of help, and we definitely need all of you to be praying now that God would not only send us children from this community, but that the message of salvation would clearly be understood by those children so that they will have an opportunity to commit their lives to Him. Sign up soon to volunteer!