Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year = New Perspective

A new year, for most people, means we get to do the same things over again...and thus the cycle continues, but I am pushing for a new perspective this year in Kids Ministry at Millers Creek. Instead of teaching random or simplistic biblical lessons each week, our kids are going to be diving deep into the Word and learning how to develop and take hold of their own personal faith in God. Our teaching time will be series based, and we'll work our way through some fantastic lessons and truths beginning with Amazing Faith! This series is all about what it means to have faith...we use that word an awful lot but I don't believe that children can really describe what it means to have a personal, individual faith. Sure they know some basic ideas about believing in Jesus, but we will be learning what it means to understand God's promises and then access them like Jesus did when he came to earth and served in the power of His own faith in the Father. My desire as the children's pastor is that each child understands what it means to have a personal faith in Jesus, and then I want them to be able to use that faith to walk in the power of the spirit! Amazing Faith is all about trusting God, understanding his promises, and then unlocking the powerful effects of having faith. I'm very excited to see the Lord work in the hearts and minds of our youngest ones, and hopefully that will make an impression on the hearts of parents, classmates, and friends all over the community.

Kids in Worship is a constantly growing, changing animal, and my hope and prayer is that we will continue to work toward the best possible environment for the kids to learn and grow in the Lord. I will keep processing different changes that are needed to promote better behavior, interaction, and listening as the year moves forward. I am fully confident that God will do some great things in the lives of the people at Millers Creek, and the staff will be working hard to ensure that the congregation and families are growing and seeking the Lord even harder than last year!