Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Revival: more than an event

       Once again we've come to the season of church revivals, a time where congregations typically call in an outside speaker to come and bring the heat, so to speak, with the intention of stirring up revival and a renewed spirit within the people of the church. Historically, revival was never a planned event, and it happened beginning in the hearts of people through the work of the Holy Spirit. While having these events in churches is great, it requires great scrutiny, planning, and most importantly fervent prayer beforehand. This October, Millers Creek will be hosting the Life Action team, a group of 20+ individuals who are missionaries in this group for the sole purpose of stirring revival and ministry in the local church. The advantage of having this team is that they are trained, and handle all aspects of the church from preschool through adult ministry. This also removes the burden of planning and organization off of the church staff and volunteers so that they can spend more time spiritually preparing the people and themselves for the event. 
        The children have a special opportunity in this as well, for the Life Action team also has five children's ministers whose only role is leading and ministering to the children each night of revival. They will be setting up their own rooms and creating an exciting atmosphere for the children each session. This will be more like an intense, 4-day VBS for the kids instead of them having to sit in the main service each night; providing such an atmosphere will hopefully create a sense of spiritual renewal and excitement in the kids as well...and while I may be biased, I believe that the spiritual strength of the young ones can transform an entire church from the inside out. Therefore, in order for this revival to be successful, we all must be in prayer until then, starting now, so that the Spirit can prepare us to receive the truth we need to hear; and boy, do we need revival in Millers Creek just as badly as anywhere else in this country. 

Below are some pics and info about the upcoming revival and team so that you can be familiar and be praying for them already!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Revamping the KidMin Room

We are currently in the process of painting and reworking a kids room exclusively for use by Kids in Worship. The process will hopefully be completed by the end of September 2012 and create an awesome new environment for Kids in Worship, providing a place with which the kids can identify and enjoy as their own place of worship and learning at the church. The name will be The Kids Kove and it will feature some new technology, bright colors, and fun furniture and decorations for today's modern kids. You can also follow Beth Blair's feed as she will be posting pictures and updates as we progress:

            -Pastor Jared