Thursday, April 18, 2013

What makes VBS so special?

   Preparing for VBS is no easy task: it takes months of thinking, planning, recruiting, and preparing for a five-night, epic adventure where children will see the truth of the gospel and experience it in a fun, fast-paced, and interactive environment. Some may question the value of putting so much time, effort, and money in to such a production, but they miss the point and I believe it's easy for adults to forget what it was like to be a child. Children learn in different ways and respond better with some of their senses than others. For instance, when we have the kids at VBS follow up their Bible study with a unique craft that expresses the same principles, some children have a "light-bulb" moment and they get the point of the lesson because they are creative or hands-on responders. Other kids light up during the time of music, and some even respond well to their sense of taste, remembering that gooey green snack they had and how it related to the message about sin and salvation. Still another child responds well when the teachers use colorful posters and activity sheets because their minds hone in on visual-oriented data as opposed to only hearing a lesson.
     This is why I love Bible School so much, because it draws in children and families from all over the community, and for many kids this is one of the only chances they have throughout the year to hear the truth of the gospel and be given an opportunity to respond to that message and commit their lives to Christ. Every year we see children take that step of faith-and it's not because the message of the gospel is watered down for them, it's because their experience lit up all of their senses and the condition of their hearts and their need for a savior was painted right before their eyes! Now is the time to be praying for God to use Kingdom Chronicles this year to teach children and youth the importance of knowing what truth is, how to defend it, and how to share it with others. Out goal is to see our children "put on the whole armor of God" as they learn to be a defender of truth and a herald for the gospel message wherever they go in life. So whether your child learns by seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, or tasting, Vacation Bible School provides the opportunity for them to encounter Jesus and know in their hearts the truth of God's Word. It's sure to be a royally fun time!!